Who do I help?

I help people who want to live differently use mindset tools to change their lives.

If this is you, read on.

How can mindset coaching help me change my life?

My coaching sessions are tailored to help you work through your specific struggles so you can move beyond them.

It’s hard to believe what you want is possible if you can never get past a certain point. And at the foundation of every stumbling block, plateau, obstacle, or barrier are thoughts.

That’s why each week we:

  • reconfirm and recommit to what it is you want
  • challenge your thinking
  • poke holes in your limiting beliefs
  • clear your mental chatter
  • reorient your mindset to what you want, rather than what you don’t
  • identify steps that will move you forward in the direction you want to go
  • choose with intention who you’ll need to be to take those steps
  • resource ways to have your own back while you do the work to evolve and grow

Doing this mindset and belief work week after week over an extended period of time will help retrain your brain to a new way of thinking and being in the world.

As you do this work, you will continue to experience the ups and downs of life, but this time you will have support and tools to navigate them with intention, purpose and conviction.

Each time you handle circumstances that previously would’ve sent you spiraling, you will show your brain you’re capable of overcoming your own mind.

In essence, you will start building evidence of your own capability. What previously felt insurmountable will become, in the words of Marie Forleo, figureoutable — and survivable.

All these things will build strength, resilience, self-belief, and self-trust.

It will be an identity shift.

You will know the only limitation is you, and that knowledge will bring you a sense of calm and empowerment.

Because if you’re the obstacle in your own way, you’re the one who can remove those obstacles.

When you know this and can do this, you know the only thing between you and what you want is this work.

What would it look like to work together?

Step 1 – Book a free exploratory coaching call

Just email me at kari@kariwatterson.com (or complete the ‘Contact‘ form here) and tell me a little about what you’re struggling with at the moment and how you hope I might help. I’ll email you back to set up a free 90-minute coaching call.

During this call, we’ll talk about where you’re at, where you’d like to be, where you’re stuck, and what’s holding you back from reaching your goals.

And then I’ll coach you.

I want to show you what a powerful coaching session can do. I want you to leave this call fired up and more determined than ever to start taking the action you need to live the life you want.

Step 2 – Book a coaching package (investing in your present & future self)

Weekly mindset coaching is an investment in your mental and emotional health. It’s a safe space once a week to talk things through and clean up your thoughts so you can recommit to your goals and focus on what’s important. This is not a therapy session. This is about self-accountability and taking 100% ownership of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and results. It’s about shifting your energy from what you can’t control to the things you can and learning to create your own success and happiness in life.

There are 3 ways to work together:

Package 1 – $1,250 | 3 months – Mindset Fundamentals: Inside Out (Tear It Down To Start Again)

  • Three (3) months of weekly coaching (one-hour calls x 13 weeks)
  • WhatsApp support available between sessions (DM + voice messaging)
  • Additional resources throughout the coaching package
  • 1:1 personalized support (deep coaching + skill building + habit formation + accountability) for those who are sick and tired of repeating their past and know the way forward will require a willingness to challenge everything they’ve ever believed about themselves and what’s possible for them in life, an openness to new ways of thinking and being in the world, and a deep, unwavering commitment to doing the daily inner work to change in order to give themselves the chance to live the life they want. Motto: Tear down what doesn’t serve you so you can rebuild your life on your terms, the way you want.

Package 2 – $2,250 | 6 months – Mindset Intensive

  • Six (6) months of weekly coaching (one-hour calls x 26 weeks)
  • WhatsApp support available between sessions (DM + voice messaging)
  • Additional resources throughout the coaching package
  • 1:1 personalized support (deep coaching + skill building + habit formation + accountability) for those who want to continue practicing strengthening their ability to challenge the stories, beliefs, and conditioning standing in their way while, in real-time, stretching into stronger, more elevated versions of themselves.

Package 3 – $4,175 | 1 year – Mindset Transformational Year

  • Twelve (12) months of weekly coaching (one hour calls x 52 weeks)
  • WhatsApp support available between sessions (DM + voice messaging)
  • Additional resources throughout the coaching package
  • 1:1 personalized support (deep coaching + skill building + habit formation + accountability) for those who love the idea of spending a full year doing this deep work on themselves and building on the foundation skills developed in the first six months. This package is ideal for the person who has specific goals or pain points they want to work on in their personal and/or professional lives and they know that weekly support + self-accountability would help them make meaningful, sustainable progress, faster.

Single Sessions – $99 | Solely for former clients who’ve worked with me for 1 year or more

  • Single sessions are 60-minute calls over Zoom
  • These one-off sessions are reserved for past clients who: 1) have worked with me for 1 year or more; 2) who understand and buy into my coaching philosophy (see top of page); and 3) who understand single-sessions exist to help clients who actively want to get coached on their mind so they can help themselves move forward. These clients set the intention at the start of the call to get what they came for.
  • Life happens. We forget what we’ve learned. We fall out of belief. Something triggers our deepest wounds or stickiest limiting beliefs and we can see that we’re spiraling or stagnating. We don’t need consecutive long-term coaching. We just need to remember who we are and reset ourselves. That’s what the single sessions are for — to help you pick yourself back up, recalibrate to your north star, and to remember you have the tools to do whatever you need to do.
Step 3 – Start coaching (and changing your life)

Start coaching with me. We’ll connect at least once per week for our weekly coaching sessions via Zoom (audio only).

Initially, the mindset principles will take time to learn and to develop into a daily habit. It’s dropping old patterns of behavior in favor of new, more useful thoughts and beliefs. It will be a lot of questioning, processing, letting go, adopting, reinforcing. It can seem overwhelming at first, which is why I encourage my clients to contact me in between coaching sessions if needed for additional support during this foundational time.

Once you’ve incorporated mindset work into your daily life, you’ll find that managing your mind is as natural as any other habit.

Don’t misunderstand. This does not mean you’ll always be positive and happy or that you’ll never fly off the handle with your spouse or that you’ll become the world’s most gentle, caring parent.

No, you’ll still be human.

What it does mean, though, is you’ll recognize your role in the process much sooner and be able to quickly regain perspective. The faster you can bring yourself back to center and focus on only what you can control, the faster you’ll be able to drop the mind drama and start channeling the extra energy into what matters most.

Will it be hard?

Sometimes, absolutely.

Will it be worth it?

1000 percent.

Eventually, we all get to the point where we wish we’d have done things differently.

Why wait?

Why not start doing things differently now?

Your future self in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now will thank you.

Find out how fundamental mindset tools can change all areas of your life.

The first step? Book a free 90-minute coaching call with me to see if we’re a fit.

You’ll leave the call with concepts that will forever shift the way you view your mind, as well as some practical tools you can implement right away to help you toward your goals.

Click the button below to book.