How do you keep going when you don’t feel confident? This reflection explores balancing self-doubt and belief, embracing both vulnerability and strength to help you keep moving forward.

It's never to late to live the life you want.
It's never to late to live the life you want.
How do you keep going when you don’t feel confident? This reflection explores balancing self-doubt and belief, embracing both vulnerability and strength to help you keep moving forward.
We all want a better future—a life where we feel fulfilled, successful, and aligned with our true goals. But more often than not, we get stuck. Whether it’s staying in a job we no longer love, procrastinating on starting a new business, or holding back on a personal project, our …
In this episode, we shed light on a very real but little talked about struggle of those suffering from burnout: the challenge of embracing effort again after burnout. For many, words like “effort” or “hard work” trigger resistance. But what if effort could energize you instead of draining you? When we …
If we always do what we’ve always done, we’ll always get what we’ve always gotten. This applies to our thoughts and beliefs as well. Here are 3 exercises to help you get unstuck and expand out of your current thinking.
For years I heard people talk about needing to “go all in” to be successful and I would feel immediate resistance.
Your past wasn’t wasted time. It was preparing you for your future.