What I love most about mindset work is the ripple effect — how one small change, one small action, can have a domino effect on so many other areas of our lives.
We all have different entry points to healing and growth on our respective personal development journeys, but once we learn how to think differently and how to be aware of and reduce the constant cycle of negative self-talk in one area, we can empower ourselves to utilize those same tools to change other areas of our lives.
Whether it’s getting fit, developing more meaningful relationships, growing professionally, or doing the inner work to become stronger and more resilient — mindset work starts with being aware of our thoughts and feelings and learning to process and manage them so we can reduce our emotional suffering and start showing up in life the way we’ve always wanted.
As one area improves, we start to feel better. We start to feel motivated to tackle other areas we’ve neglected for so long. And as we do this work, our minds begin to explore what else could be possible — not just for others, but for ourselves.
When we learn to manage our minds, we consciously spend less energy on convincing ourselves what’s not possible and focusing on what is.
Instead of focusing on what we can’t control, we focus on what we can.
Over time, we model for those around us the belief that we don’t have to settle for status quo, or wait for opportunities to fall into our laps.
We can captain our own ship and create those opportunities for ourselves.
Mindset work takes time, self-compassion, and consistent, daily practice.
But once we learn the basic principles, we can’t “unsee” the benefits.
We may forget them from time to time, but when we bring the tools back into our awareness we realize that everything we need to move forward in life is already inside of us.
So many of us feel like we’ve fallen behind, or that it’s too late for us to live the life we want.
But is it ever too late for happiness, hope and peace?
We can’t know how much longer we have in this world. Why wouldn’t we want to give ourselves the chance to be the best version of ourselves for whatever amount of time we have?
Because at the end of the day, we have one life.
We get to decide how we want to live it.
How do you want to live yours?
Let’s think about it.
And then, let’s get to work.
Have a fantastic day.
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Ever wonder if you might benefit from life coaching? Try a free 90-minute coaching call. Experience what it would be like to have weekly 1:1 coaching support for 6 months to a year while you actively do the work to change your life. Mindset + Habits + Identity Work.
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