Hey there, fellow growthseeker. Kari here.

The Weekly Three Newsletter is a weekly email where I share three tools, concepts, stories, or insights to shift your thinking so you can stay on track and keep going after what you want most in life.

Too many quit on the verge of breakthrough. That’s not going to be us.

Stay open. Be curious. Coach yourself.

Keep bringing yourself back into belief.

Test some stuff. See what works for you.

And then meet me back in your inbox each week to refuel, recommit, and gain some new knowledge to help you keep going.

I’m in your corner,


If you haven’t signed up for The Weekly Three Newsletter yet, click here to subscribe.

Read previous issues of The Weekly Three Newsletter:


March 18 | The Weekly Three: Knowing Your End Game, The Dan Sullivan Question, Motivation AND Inspiration

January 9 | The Weekly Three: Identity-Based Habits, Letting Go of Who You Are to Make Room For Who You Need to Be, Accelerating Growth By Breaking Bad Habits While Building New


December 30 | The Weekly Three: What is Inaction Costing You, Perfectionism, Pretending You Don’t Know Is Protecting You

December 22 | The Weekly Three: Maslow’s Golden Hammer, The Right Words At The Right Time Can Change Everything, Action is the Antidote to Fear

December 2 | The Weekly Three: The Mindset of Choice, Inspiring Quotes on Choice and Change, Choosing a Growth Mindset